Monday, November 12, 2018


Lately I've struggled with feeling motivated to do the assignments for this class. The  last couple of assignments we've done  used technology I was already familiar with.( With the exception of voice thread) Although I was able to learn a little bit more about the technologies I would have preferred to learn about something new. With that said, I really enjoyed learning about voicetread and it's a resource I think I'll use in the future.

I'm feeling excited and overwhelmed about the upcoming desktop movie assignment. I've always wanted to learn how to make movies and have even attempted to teach myself. I was unsuccessful :(. I'm hoping the added pressure of being graded will help me FINALLY learn how to make a movie.

I would have like more resources to learn how to make a video  using moviemaker but the ones posted aren't working. I've decided to use Biteable to make my movie. (Thanks for sharing the link! ) It will give me a chance to explore the website and hopefuly make creating a movie easier.

Monday, October 22, 2018


I've really enjoyed exploring different types of technology in this class. I've learned how to use new tools that I believe will be really helpful in my future career. What I find really useful about the this class is that I get to create things that I might actual use someday. It's makes the assignments more personal and worthwhile to me.

The visual learning assignment is a perfect example of this. As an aspiring language teacher I feel that visual tools are a really useful for learning. I created my on SER vs. Estar. Ser and Estar can be confusing for new language learners, the diagram I created helped explain the two verb tenses in a simple and engaging way. I plan on using the diagram with my students in the future.

The goggle spreadsheet assignment was the first assignment I really struggled with/ didn't enjoy in this class. I think I just didn't understand the practicality of it. Google already has a gradebook template and most schools use their own gradebook program. I would have enjoyed exploring another tool in google that could be more useful in the future. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018



To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to having to take another online class. I do best when I have a physical classroom to go to and  a designated time I have to be there.  I like being able to interact with my classmates and professor. It also doesn't help that I've hated every online class I've taken.

That being said I've really enjoyed this class so far. The professor communicates frequently with the class and reminds us of upcoming deadlines. I've had the chance to look through some of my classmates blogs and get to know them a little better. This helps make the online class experience feel more personal and allows me to feel more connected.

I enjoyed  the wiki assignment and getting to learn more about emergent technologies. I chose to do mine on VOKI and SmartBoards. Voki is an online resources that allows you to record sound on animated avatars. I definitely feel that I will use the resource in the future and if it wasn't for his class I wouldn't even know about it. It was also helpful to learn more about SmartBoards. I've seen them in classrooms I've worked in and got to learn more about them.

Blogging is something I wanted to be good at for awhile. I tried to keep blogs in the past and have failed miserably. I not very good at writing in them consistently. Maybe this class will help me get into the habit of doing so. I like the idea of blogging with my students and sharing lesson ideas with fellow Spanish teachers. 

Until next time.

-Señorita. Cedeño